I'm writing this article because I thought you might want
to know my formula for success.
This sounds very simple and yet, it might change your whole
mindset. It applies whether you are working in a job or
building your own business.
Throughout my journey to achieve success, I've encountered
many people who struggled to achieve success. Most of them
ask me questions like, 'how to achieve success'.
Or questions like, 'how to make more money in life'.
What's the formula to achieve success?
Ok, read on and I'll reveal it.
The formula is simple. When you are working, you must have
in mind that ultimately what you want to achieve from your
job or business is this:
Work less, earn more.
But first, you must understand this formula in order to
achieve that.
Here's the formula:
Assuming you are working 8 hours a day, and you are getting
X result (X can be any amount of money you are getting now.)
Where most people failed to achieve success is, they try to earn
X + Y (Y can be any amount of extra money you want to get)
without finding a way to workless first. In another words,
finding a way to work less while still getting X result.
In order for you to get Y result, you should find ways to
work less than 8 hours first and still be getting X result.
Let's say 6 hours.
Once you able to achieve that, only then can you consider how
to find ways to get Y result.
In a nutshell,
First step:
Work 8 hours (or whatever your existing working hours are)
and get X result.
Second step:
Find ways to work 6 hours and still get X result.
Third step:
Work 8 hours again but get X + Y results.
Once you achieve this, your next step is to find ways on how to
achieve X + Y results by working only 6 hours instead of 8
hours. Once you find that, only than you can think about getting
Z result (Z can be any amount of extra money you want to have).
So, repeat the whole process:
First step:
Work 8 hours get X + Y results.
Second step:
Find ways to work 6 hours and still get X + Y results.
Third step:
Work 8 hours again but get X + Y + Z results.
Keep on repeating this process until you get the maximum
results you can get (this can beA+B+C+X+Y+Z).
At some stage, you'll probably reach the optimum of
getting the results and you can hardly earn more by
working 8 hours a day.
Once you achieve this, congratulations.
Now, what you need to do is to find ways to WORK LESS
but still get the same results.
So at the end, you'll be able to WORK LESS and
People fail to achieve success because they don't know
or understand this simple Formula and practice it!
This formula stressed managing your fundamentals before
engaging yourself to earn more. People failed to achieve
more results because they try to earn more without
learning how to maintain and work less first. So, they'll
end up working more hours each day.
That's why, you can see many people becoming more stressed
when their business increases or when they are promoted in
their job.
I've been practicing this formula. Each day when I work, I'll look
into my existing business and find ways to reduce the work. Once
I got that, only then I'll think on how to make more money.
So, each month, I'm making more money but working less or putting
the same amount of time invested. This is how you can achieve
success without getting more stress in life.
What you should be doing now is go look at your job or business and
apply this formula if you want to achieve success in the long term.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This article is authored by Patric Chan. You can now
discover the secrets of achieving success and creating wealth
from this amazing Audio CD for FREE today! Go to: FREE CD
(Free CDs are offered for limited time only.)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Monday, 30 April 2007
Saturday, 28 April 2007
How Do Affirmations Promote Vibrant Health and Well-Being?
By Jeff Staniforth
Whenever someone speaks of healing through affirmations, many
people dismiss it as esoteric - or even nonsense - and they tend
to not take it seriously. However, there exist volumes of
scientific evidence that affirmations are an effective approach
to healing and the achievement of vibrant health. They have even
been shown to promote regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.
Dr. Carl Simonton of the Cancer Counseling and Research Center in
Fortworth, Texas, reports on breakthrough studies that use self-
suggestion (a form of affirmations) in treating disease. "We
think people are now beginning to realize how much the mind and
the physical body are intertwined... We know that the same
pathways that are used to transmit negative things, like cancer
growth, can also be used to transmit positive things that can
eventually restore a person to health".
How do affirmations promote health and effect healing?
Illness starts in the mind. When you change unhealthy thought
patterns and replace them with positive affirmations, you also
change the energy that flows to your physical body from your
etheric body, chakras, and through your energy meridians.
Your etheric body is the human subtle energy field - one of the
layers of the aura believed to permeate all living things. Think
of it as a blueprint of what is in your cellular structure - a
blueprint that reveals your state of health (or ill health) --and
gives an indication of conditions that often have not yet
manifested in your physical body.
The spoken word, such as a power affirmation, elicits a strong
recuperative response in the etheric body - a healing energy that
permeates to the physical body, causing healing to occur.
Affirmations are powerful instruments that influence both mental
and emotional patterns, which are held in the etheric field. The
more frequently a healing affirmation is repeated throughout the
day, the more effective it is in carrying out healing.
Following are power affirmations you can use to help heal,
regenerate, and regenerate your body - and foster radiant health.
As I've mentioned in the previous issues of this newsletter,
choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you -- those
that resonate with you, or strike an emotional chord. It is
important that the words feel comfortable to you and are in line
with who you are. Feel free to create one for your specific need
by substituting other words that have special meaning to you:
* I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit.
* I am well, I am whole, and I am strong and healthy.
* I am healthy, and full of energy and vitality.
* All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of
my divine being.
* I am healthy, happy and radiant.
* I radiate good health.
* My body is a safe and pleasurable place for me to be.
* My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
* I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to
fulfill my desires.
* God's love heals me and makes me whole.
* My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.
There are many ways to use your chosen affirmation. You can
recite it aloud to yourself repeatedly, or you may want to write
it down repeatedly. The key is to repeat it over and over again
throughout the day. Repeating your affirmation reprograms your
subconscious mind to accept these thoughts as reality, and
ultimately create changes in your life that will manifest this
new inner reality.
TIP: Did you know that 19th century French professor and Master
Hypnotist, Emile Coue, used one specific affirmation to heal
hundreds of patients in Europe and North America? To learn what
that specific affirmation is, go to www.affirmware.com.au and scroll down to the first blue box.)
While you're there, discover how affirmations have gone "high
tech" - and how you can now use your computer for just 10 minutes
a day to manifest anything you want in life. Go to: www.affirmware.com.au
Join the millions of People Around the World Who Have Discovered
the Power of Affirmations. Send for FREE subscription of
"Affirmations For The Mind" Tips and Techniques Newsletter, the
premier publication on self-improvement & personal growth. Each
issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested
and proven to get results.
Click Here
Special Note... Please do not use the any of the information
supplied in this article to diagnose, or treat a health problem
or disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical
problem, please contact your health care professional, and only
then work with the affirmation techniques in partnership with
your health care professional.
-- appeared in “Affirmation For The Mind” newsletter.
Web site subscription www.affirmware.com.au
(c) Jeff Staniforth - All Rights reserved
Whenever someone speaks of healing through affirmations, many
people dismiss it as esoteric - or even nonsense - and they tend
to not take it seriously. However, there exist volumes of
scientific evidence that affirmations are an effective approach
to healing and the achievement of vibrant health. They have even
been shown to promote regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.
Dr. Carl Simonton of the Cancer Counseling and Research Center in
Fortworth, Texas, reports on breakthrough studies that use self-
suggestion (a form of affirmations) in treating disease. "We
think people are now beginning to realize how much the mind and
the physical body are intertwined... We know that the same
pathways that are used to transmit negative things, like cancer
growth, can also be used to transmit positive things that can
eventually restore a person to health".
How do affirmations promote health and effect healing?
Illness starts in the mind. When you change unhealthy thought
patterns and replace them with positive affirmations, you also
change the energy that flows to your physical body from your
etheric body, chakras, and through your energy meridians.
Your etheric body is the human subtle energy field - one of the
layers of the aura believed to permeate all living things. Think
of it as a blueprint of what is in your cellular structure - a
blueprint that reveals your state of health (or ill health) --and
gives an indication of conditions that often have not yet
manifested in your physical body.
The spoken word, such as a power affirmation, elicits a strong
recuperative response in the etheric body - a healing energy that
permeates to the physical body, causing healing to occur.
Affirmations are powerful instruments that influence both mental
and emotional patterns, which are held in the etheric field. The
more frequently a healing affirmation is repeated throughout the
day, the more effective it is in carrying out healing.
Following are power affirmations you can use to help heal,
regenerate, and regenerate your body - and foster radiant health.
As I've mentioned in the previous issues of this newsletter,
choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you -- those
that resonate with you, or strike an emotional chord. It is
important that the words feel comfortable to you and are in line
with who you are. Feel free to create one for your specific need
by substituting other words that have special meaning to you:
* I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit.
* I am well, I am whole, and I am strong and healthy.
* I am healthy, and full of energy and vitality.
* All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of
my divine being.
* I am healthy, happy and radiant.
* I radiate good health.
* My body is a safe and pleasurable place for me to be.
* My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
* I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to
fulfill my desires.
* God's love heals me and makes me whole.
* My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.
There are many ways to use your chosen affirmation. You can
recite it aloud to yourself repeatedly, or you may want to write
it down repeatedly. The key is to repeat it over and over again
throughout the day. Repeating your affirmation reprograms your
subconscious mind to accept these thoughts as reality, and
ultimately create changes in your life that will manifest this
new inner reality.
TIP: Did you know that 19th century French professor and Master
Hypnotist, Emile Coue, used one specific affirmation to heal
hundreds of patients in Europe and North America? To learn what
that specific affirmation is, go to www.affirmware.com.au and scroll down to the first blue box.)
While you're there, discover how affirmations have gone "high
tech" - and how you can now use your computer for just 10 minutes
a day to manifest anything you want in life. Go to: www.affirmware.com.au
Join the millions of People Around the World Who Have Discovered
the Power of Affirmations. Send for FREE subscription of
"Affirmations For The Mind" Tips and Techniques Newsletter, the
premier publication on self-improvement & personal growth. Each
issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested
and proven to get results.
Click Here
Special Note... Please do not use the any of the information
supplied in this article to diagnose, or treat a health problem
or disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical
problem, please contact your health care professional, and only
then work with the affirmation techniques in partnership with
your health care professional.
-- appeared in “Affirmation For The Mind” newsletter.
Web site subscription www.affirmware.com.au
(c) Jeff Staniforth - All Rights reserved
Thursday, 26 April 2007
What the Bleep Do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole trailer
Double Slit Experiment from Down The Rabbit Hole
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Manifestation Portal
There's a place on the Internet where you can meet the best manifestation masters in the world, the place where you can learn from them, the place where you can apply their teachings and find their secrets to manifest anything you want in life.
I know such a place. It's a membership site with lots of wonderful lessons on manifestation and deliberate creation.
All the mentors inside the site are fantastic and every lesson can improve your life dramatically.
Because each of us is a different individual and we learn differently, so the manifestation portal with many different manifestation masters is the best place to find something which we need and can easily apply in our lives.
Manifest Life’s Manifestation Portal is a one-time-fee membership site created by Barry Goss.
The main part of the site is an ongoing audio interview series" Conversation with the World Top Manifestation Mentors."
There are currently 25 manifestation mentors with over 50 hours of audio conversations and lessons.
The lessons are simply wonderful! You will find some very famous and great teachers there. Most of them are very well-known and highly respected self improvement mentors. Some of them were featured in the famous movie "The Secret".
They teach about all kinds of topics which can help you to manifest your desires and live a happy and fulfilling life.
Listening to their lessons is very inspiring and helpful.
Another part of the membership is a section called "Secret M-Files". They have some really great stuff there, like:
• "The Father of Motivation" teaches "Secrets to an Inspirational Life"
• "The $100 Million Dollar Man" teaches the method of “Instant Manifestation".
• "The Master of Masters" teaches how to become magnet to money and how to get into action.
There are also another "Secret M-Files", manifesting mentors. They teach different advanced-level topics about manifestation
Many of them have some very valuable bonuses for you in addition to their already wonderful conversations with Barry.
One of the secret mentors, "The $100 Million Dollar Man" mentioned above, gives a free copy of his complete personal development program. This could easily cost you a few hundred dollars to buy elsewhere. But it’s free for members of the Manifestation Portal.
You will also find in the Manifestation Portal some great meditations, visualizations, and hypnosis audios that you can use daily to bring more abundance, success and happiness into your life.
Another great section of the membership site is the Library. There are tons of audios, videos, e-books, reports and articles in the library, which will help you to understand the secrets of manifestation.
There’s too much content in the Manifestation Portal to describe everything here in detail. You can watch VIDEO TOUR to get an idea or you can read more about the Manifestation Portal here
I know such a place. It's a membership site with lots of wonderful lessons on manifestation and deliberate creation.
All the mentors inside the site are fantastic and every lesson can improve your life dramatically.
Because each of us is a different individual and we learn differently, so the manifestation portal with many different manifestation masters is the best place to find something which we need and can easily apply in our lives.
Manifest Life’s Manifestation Portal is a one-time-fee membership site created by Barry Goss.
The main part of the site is an ongoing audio interview series" Conversation with the World Top Manifestation Mentors."
There are currently 25 manifestation mentors with over 50 hours of audio conversations and lessons.
The lessons are simply wonderful! You will find some very famous and great teachers there. Most of them are very well-known and highly respected self improvement mentors. Some of them were featured in the famous movie "The Secret".
They teach about all kinds of topics which can help you to manifest your desires and live a happy and fulfilling life.
Listening to their lessons is very inspiring and helpful.
Another part of the membership is a section called "Secret M-Files". They have some really great stuff there, like:
• "The Father of Motivation" teaches "Secrets to an Inspirational Life"
• "The $100 Million Dollar Man" teaches the method of “Instant Manifestation".
• "The Master of Masters" teaches how to become magnet to money and how to get into action.
There are also another "Secret M-Files", manifesting mentors. They teach different advanced-level topics about manifestation
Many of them have some very valuable bonuses for you in addition to their already wonderful conversations with Barry.
One of the secret mentors, "The $100 Million Dollar Man" mentioned above, gives a free copy of his complete personal development program. This could easily cost you a few hundred dollars to buy elsewhere. But it’s free for members of the Manifestation Portal.
You will also find in the Manifestation Portal some great meditations, visualizations, and hypnosis audios that you can use daily to bring more abundance, success and happiness into your life.
Another great section of the membership site is the Library. There are tons of audios, videos, e-books, reports and articles in the library, which will help you to understand the secrets of manifestation.
There’s too much content in the Manifestation Portal to describe everything here in detail. You can watch VIDEO TOUR to get an idea or you can read more about the Manifestation Portal here
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Science of Manifestation
Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the scientists differ in their opinions, most of them agree that every seven years we have a completely new body. Not even one cell is the same.
Anyway, most people intuitionally feel that they are not their bodies. When someone dies they say he has left. So, what has left? The body it’s still there.
Are you your mind? You can observe your own mind. You can notice what you are thinking about now. Maybe you are reading this article now, but you are thinking about something else? Doesn’t it happen often? You can observe how your mind works, so you are not your mind.
But most of the time we don’t observe it. It’s just the opposite, our minds constantly play different films in front of us, and it is not easy to stop them doing it.
Have you ever tried to control your mind? Try for five minutes to concentrate on something. Let’s say visualize a yellow triangle. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on the yellow triangle. Can you do it? Notice how many times you have thought about something else than the yellow triangle. It’s very difficult to control a mind. Usually our minds control us.
What do you mostly think about every day. If you are like most people you think about your past or your future.
Our past reminiscences can be happy or sad, but past is the past. It’s gone. Future is unknown, but we are creating our future now. Whatever we are thinking about now will manifest in the future. So if we think about our problems, lack of money, difficult situations, our future will be like this. If we think how make ends meet, it will happen. We will just make ends meet.
What if you started to live now? What if you stopped thinking about your past and stopped worrying about your future. You could think now that your life is happy. You could think that NOW you and your family have everything that you want and desire. Try it. Try to really visualize your perfect life. Don’t think about future. Think that it’s now and be grateful for it. If your visualization is good, you will feel happy and excited. You will feel good, but most important is that you have just started making it really happen in the future.
Of course, you need to train your mind to do it every day. You need to learn the science of manifestation and practice. Great things don’t come easily. That’s why so many people don’t live the lives of their dreams. They don’t control their lives. They live their lives automatically. But you can change it. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy. You just need to make some effort.
If you want to learn more about Science of Manifestation go to: www.manifestwealthmentor.com
Anyway, most people intuitionally feel that they are not their bodies. When someone dies they say he has left. So, what has left? The body it’s still there.
Are you your mind? You can observe your own mind. You can notice what you are thinking about now. Maybe you are reading this article now, but you are thinking about something else? Doesn’t it happen often? You can observe how your mind works, so you are not your mind.
But most of the time we don’t observe it. It’s just the opposite, our minds constantly play different films in front of us, and it is not easy to stop them doing it.
Have you ever tried to control your mind? Try for five minutes to concentrate on something. Let’s say visualize a yellow triangle. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on the yellow triangle. Can you do it? Notice how many times you have thought about something else than the yellow triangle. It’s very difficult to control a mind. Usually our minds control us.
What do you mostly think about every day. If you are like most people you think about your past or your future.
Our past reminiscences can be happy or sad, but past is the past. It’s gone. Future is unknown, but we are creating our future now. Whatever we are thinking about now will manifest in the future. So if we think about our problems, lack of money, difficult situations, our future will be like this. If we think how make ends meet, it will happen. We will just make ends meet.
What if you started to live now? What if you stopped thinking about your past and stopped worrying about your future. You could think now that your life is happy. You could think that NOW you and your family have everything that you want and desire. Try it. Try to really visualize your perfect life. Don’t think about future. Think that it’s now and be grateful for it. If your visualization is good, you will feel happy and excited. You will feel good, but most important is that you have just started making it really happen in the future.
Of course, you need to train your mind to do it every day. You need to learn the science of manifestation and practice. Great things don’t come easily. That’s why so many people don’t live the lives of their dreams. They don’t control their lives. They live their lives automatically. But you can change it. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy. You just need to make some effort.
If you want to learn more about Science of Manifestation go to: www.manifestwealthmentor.com
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